We’ve all attended a meeting, taken a course, or read an article that moved us no further than to pique our interest. Putting new insights into action is the payoff for attention spent. And we multiply that payoff if we take a moment to reflect on a more broad understanding of the concept or technique we found so interesting.
Objective of play
Here, There, Everywhere emerged so that workshop participants might detail – sometimes in front of the room, sometimes just to themselves – how they will change their behavior once they return to work.
Here, There, Everywhere was created by David Mastronardi and Eric Wittenberg
Number of Players
Everyone in the meeting
Duration of Play
3 – 5 minutes for reflection and commitments
+10 minutes for sharing and discussion
Material Required
- Content to review (a wall of post it, digital canvases, notes taken, a…powerpoint presentation?!)
- Post-it notes (digital or analog)
How to Play
- Begin by telling your particpiants you’re going to take a moment to reflect and crystalize a learning from the material you just covered.
- Ask them to take a moment to go back and review whatever that material is, so that the content is once again fresh.
- After the review, have each participant then capture the following, one per post-it note:
- Here something in our time together that caught your attention, piqued your curiosity or, at the very least, you noticed. It might be a game, a comment from a fellow participant, a concept, a visual framework, etc…
- There how you might take that specific example and implement it at work or in your personal life. Bring in as much detail as you can to make for easy implementation; imagine your future self doing it and the outcome it generates.
- Everywhere would be a generalized interpretation of this thing that would allow for more universal application – an underlying principle absent context
- Optional: Break participants into small groups to discuss their reflections. After the breakout, ask the group to share their reflections.
An example, from one of our training Expeditions:
- Here: Squiggle Birds quickly and simply helps adults overcome feelings of fear and inadequacy related to drawing
- There: In next month’s workshop with the product team I’m going to add Squiggle Birds to the agenda
- Everywhere: Workplace norms and culture keep drawing from being more widely adopted; people mistake this for lack of ability. This falsehood is easily overcome with a simple game. I wonder what other false narratives our culture promotes and how they might be addressed?
It’s a common meeting pitfall to either rush or entirely forego the closing phase. In some meetings, closing refers to making decisions and commitments as a team, or identifying next steps and action items. In other meetings, closing is an opportunity to reflect on what just happened and find meaning in personal development. You might use Here, There & Everywhere in either case; but however you close, give it the time it deserves.
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Here, There and Everywhere can be used after any game or meeting.